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Bhavishya Malika Puran in English

Bhavishya Malika Puran was written by Saint Shri Achyutananda Das. All the events that will happen in the future are mentioned in Bhavishya Malika. This book was written 600 years ago between the 15th and 16th centuries by Achyutananda Maharaj in the Vaishnav community by making predictions, today we know it as Bhavishya Malika. Predictions have been made in this book written by Achyutananda Das, which were written on palm leaves.

Read here in one click ~ Bhavishya Malika in Hindi

In the predictions of Bhavishya Malika Puran, predictions have been made about earthquakes, famines, explosions, wars and many countries in Kaliyuga. Indications of when the predictions will happen are given in Bhavishya Malika. In Bhavishya Malika, events of the world have been described on the basis of events happening from the predictions of the original Jagannath temple. It also mentions the events that will happen at the end of Kalyug.

What is Bhavishya Malika Puran?

Bhavishya Malika Puran is Brahmavani which has been written by Panchsakhavas at the will of formless God himself. Its main purpose is to alert the devotees before the great destruction at the end of Kalyug. To bring them on the right path. Because due to the influence of Kalyug, there will be evil in the devotees too. But as soon as they hear the Malika, they will become alert.

Vedavyas ji had written the Mahabharata before the Mahabharata happened, Valmiki ji had written the Ramayana before the Ramayana happened. In the same way, the Panchsakhavas have written about Kali Mahabharata and the end of Kalyug 600 years ago, this text was kept Mahagupta and it is being published at the end of Kalyug by the will of the Lord himself.

It is through the Malika that the Lord will tell all his devotees about the descent on earth. It is only through the Malika that all the devotees will be able to know that the Lord has come. It is wrong to compare the Malika with other religious texts. Because everything is written in the Malika in full detail. Like which country will fight with which country in the world war, which is Sambhalnagar, what will be the Satyug, how will this Khand Pralaya happen, and why and when will the destruction happen, how will the Lord establish Dharma, what will happen to which country, whom will He make the king.

The things written in Bhavishya Malika Puran are 100% true. It has been written by the Panchsakhas on the wish of Shri Jagannath Ji himself. Therefore, the question of it being wrong does not arise. While saying that the Malika is true, the best among the Panchsakhas, Shri Achyutananda Das Ji says.

Bhavishya Malika Puran has been translated into English by Pandit Shri Kashinath Mishra.

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