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Read Chanakya Chant in English

Chanakya (Chanakya Chant) ji was a very learned and excellent politician who has given many important mantras in his time. Chanakya had gone through many important achievements and experiences in life which make him a very intelligent person. He had generated some Chanakya mantras from his life experiences which can provide help to people in difficult times of life.

Read here in one click ~ Chanakya Mantra in Hindi

Every person tries to know that how to get success in life. Many times a person is not able to succeed even after working hard and sometimes only a little effort makes him successful. Chanakya has analyzed the basic mantras of success in his policy book.

प्रभूतंकार्यमल्पंवातन्नरः कर्तुमिच्छति।
सर्वारंभेणतत्कार्यं सिंहादेकंप्रचक्षते॥

Prabhutamkaryamlapavatanarah Kartumichhati.
Sarvaarambhentatkaryam Singhadekamprakakshate

In this verse, Acharya Chanakya says that the lion, with concentration, pounces on its prey with full force, due to which it becomes successful in its purpose. Similarly, a person should also be focused towards his goal and should try hard to achieve the goal. Whatever be the work, small or big, it should be done with full dedication.(Chanakya Chant)


Some famous Chanakya mantras are:

“असतो मा सद्गमय, तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय, मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय।” –
“Asato ma sadgamaya, tamaso ma jyotirgamaya, mrityorma amritam gamaya.”–

That is, lead me from untruth to truth, from darkness to light, and from death to immortality.

“उद्यमेन हि सिद्ध्यन्ति कार्याणि न मनोरथैः।”
“Udyamen hi siddhyanti karyani na manorathai:.”–

That is, actions can be accomplished not by the will of the mind, but by effort.

“स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेयः परधर्मो भयावहः।”
“Swadharma nidhanam shreyaḥ pardharmamo bhaṃkaraḥ.” –

That is, it is best to follow one’s own religion, there is fear and loss from other religion.

“आपधर्मोपदेशेन विधर्मो नात्र संश्यः.”
“Aapdharmopdeshen vidharmo naatr samshya:”–

That is, even at the time of disaster, one should act according to the right religion, should not act against the religion.

Chanakya had gone through many important achievements and experiences in life which make him a very intelligent person. He had generated some Chanakya mantras from his life experiences which can provide help to people in difficult times of life.

Chanakya was a very special person who had collected many mantras during his life. These mantras have proved helpful in solving the problems of his time and the world. Here are some selected Chanakya mantras:


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