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Raghuvansham Epic First Canto

Raghuvansham Epic First Canto
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॥ Shri Raghuvansham ॥

महाकविकालिदासकृतं गभीरमहाकाव्यं

The story of Valmikikrit Ramayana begins with the kingdom of Maharaja Dasaratha in Ayodhya city and ends with the mention of the story of the sons and brothers of Sri Rama. But the story of the great poet Kalidasa’s ‘Raghuvansh’ epic (Raghuvansham Epic First Canto) begins with the description of King Dilip, the ancestor of Shri Ram, and ends abruptly with the description of the death of the lustful king Agnivarna.

Raghuvansh, the epic poem composed by the great poet Kalidas, describes the lineage of Lord Shri Ram. In the epic Raghuvansh, poet Kalidas has mentioned 37 kings of the lineage of Shri Ram in 19 cantos. In the first canto of the Raghuvansh epic, King Dilip, the ancestor of Shri Ram, has been described. In this post, the first canto of the epic Raghuvansh has been given its meaning.

Kalidas’s Raghuvansham epic first: Canto


वागर्थाविव सम्पृक्तौ वागर्थप्रतिपत्तये ।
जगतः पितरौ वन्दे पार्वतीपरमेश्वरौ ॥ 1 ॥
I bow down to Parvati and Shiva, the mother and father of the world, who are equal in speech and meaning for the success of speech and meaning॥ 1 ॥

क सूर्य्यप्रभवो वंशः क्व चाल्पविषया मतिः ॥
तितीर्षुर्दुस्तरं मोहादुडुपेनास्मि सागरम् ॥ 2 ॥
Where are you, a descendant born from the sun, and where are you, with little intelligence, I want to descend with the help of a boat that blew up the difficult-to-navigate sea like a fool॥ 2 ॥

मंदः कवियशः प्रार्थी गमिष्याम्युपहास्यताम् ॥
प्रांशुलभ्ये फले लोभादुद्वाहुरिव वामनः ॥ 3 ॥
I who love the fame of poets, I will get small-minded laughter. Like a fruit that can be touched by a tall (man) and a dwarf who lifts high waves out of greed ॥3॥

अथ वा कृतवाग्द्वारे वंशेऽस्मिन्पूर्वसूरिभिः ॥
मणौ वज्रसमुत्कीर्णे सूत्रस्येवास्ति मे गतिः ॥ 4 ॥
That my movement in this Raghu clan was like a thread in a gem pierced with a diamond॥ 4 ॥

सोऽहमाजन्मशुद्धानामाफलोदयकर्मणाम् ॥
आसमुद्रक्षितीशानामानांकरथवर्त्मनाम् ॥ 5॥
So I am from the birth of the pure till the fruit is obtained, of those who do their work till the sea, of the authorities of the earth till heaven, of the charioteers॥ 5 ॥

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यथाविधिहुताग्नीनां यथाकामार्चितार्थिनाम् ॥
यथाऽपराधदण्डानां यथाकालप्रबोधिनाम् ॥ 6 ॥
Those who offer oblations in the fire according to their wishes, those who worship (with liquid) according to their wishes, those who punish according to their crimes, those who wake up at the right time (in the morning) ॥ 6 ॥

त्यागाय संभृतार्थाना सत्याय मितभाषिणाम् ॥
यशसे विजिगीषूणां प्रजायै गृहमेधिनाम् ॥ 7 ॥
Those who collect money for the sake of charity, those who speak little for the sake of speaking the truth, those who seek victory for the sake of fame, those who marry for the sake of a son॥ 7 ॥

शैशवेऽभ्यस्तविद्यानां यौवने विषयैषिणाम् ॥
वार्द्धके मुनिवृत्तीनां योगेनान्ते तनुत्यजाम् ॥ 8 ॥
Of those who study education in childhood, of those who desire enjoyment in youth, of those who become sages in old age, of those who finally renounce their body through yoga॥ 8॥

रघूणामन्वयं वक्ष्ये तनुवाग्विभवोऽपि सन् ॥
तद्गुणैः कर्णमागत्य चापलाय प्रणोदितः ॥ 9 ॥
(In this way) the lineage of Raghuvanshis, even if the glory of the speech is little, in the ear. I narrate inspired by the qualities acquired by them towards agility ॥ 9 ॥

तं सन्तः श्रोतुमर्हन्ति सदसद्व्यक्तिहेतवः ॥
‘हेम्नः संलक्ष्यते ह्यग्नौ विशुद्धिः श्यामिकापि वा ॥ 10 ॥
To listen to that (dynasty) only the saints who decide the truth and falsehood are worthy, the purity and disgrace of gold is seen in the fire only॥ 10 ॥

“वैवस्वत मनुर्नाम माननीयो मनीषिणाम् ॥
आसीन्महीक्षितामाद्यः प्रणवश्छन्दसामिव ॥ 11॥
The name Vaivaswat Manu became the first among the kings to be worshiped by the scholars, as in the verses Om Kar ॥ 11 ॥

तदन्वये शुद्धिमति प्रसृतः शुद्धिमत्तरः ॥
दिलीप इति राजेन्दुरिन्दुः क्षीरनिधाविव ॥ 12 ॥
In his holy lineage, the most pious Rajendra named Dilip was born like the moon from the ocean of milk॥ 12 ॥

व्यूढोरस्को वृषस्कन्धः शालप्रांशुर्महाभुजः ॥
आत्मकर्मक्षमं देहं क्षात्रो धर्म इवाश्रितः ॥ 13 ॥
With a broad chest, a bull case (high), with a shawl like a long shoulder, with a long wand, able to do his work, as if wearing the body of a Kshatriya religion॥ 13 ॥

सर्वातिरिक्तसारेण सर्वतेजोभिभाविना ॥
स्थितः सर्वोन्नतेनोर्वी क्रान्त्वा मेरुरिवात्मना ॥ 14 ॥
The most powerful, the most resplendent, the highest, pressed the earth with his body and attacked like Sumeshki॥ 14 ॥

आकारसदृशप्रज्ञः प्रज्ञया सदृशागमः ॥
आगमैः सदृशारम्भ आरम्भसदृशोदयः ॥ 15 ॥
The one who has the same intelligence as Surat, the one who respects the intellect, the one who practices the scriptures, the one who does industry like the practice of the scriptures, the one who rises like the beginning॥ 15 ॥

भीमकान्तैर्नृपगुणैः स बभूवोपजीविनाम् ॥
अधृष्यश्चाभिगम्यश्च यादोरतैरिवार्णवः ॥ 16 ॥
He also became the one who kept away the servants (Sevakadi) from the fierce and charming Rajgunas and also called the thieves (nake etc.) from animals and the sea from gems. That is, no one can enter the sea due to the fear of crocodiles and they enter due to the greed of gems, similarly people were afraid to go to the king and used to go॥ 16 ॥

रेखामात्रमपि क्षुण्णादामनोर्वर्त्मनः परम् ॥
न व्यतीयुः प्रजास्तस्य नियन्तुर्नेमिवृत्तयः ॥ 17 ॥
Even the line that moves like the wheel of a chariot that was practiced by the people of that teacher on the path of Manu did not go out॥ 17 ॥

प्रजानामेव भूत्यर्थं स ताभ्यो बलिमग्रहीत् ॥
सहस्रगुणमुत्त्रष्टुमादत्ते हि रसं रविः ॥ 18 ॥
For the welfare of the people, he did it to them like the sun takes water (from the earth) to rain a thousand times॥ 18 ॥

सेनापरिच्छदस्तस्य द्वयमेवार्थसाधनम् ॥
शास्त्रेष्वकुण्ठिता बुद्धिर्वी धनुषि चातता ॥ 19 ॥
Surrounded by the army, the means of his purpose were dual, the sharp intellect in the scriptures and the bow mounted Pratyancha (Roda)॥ 19 ॥

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तस्य संवृतमन्त्रस्य गूढाकारेङ्गितस्य च ॥
फलानुमेयाः प्रारम्भाः संस्काराः प्राक्तना इव ॥ 20 ॥
The works of that one who keeps secrets and hides the signs of inner (senses) from outside, were known by the fruits like the rituals of the previous birth॥ 20 ॥

जुगोपात्मानमत्रस्तो भेजे धर्ममनातुरः ॥
अगृध्नुराददे सोर्थमसक्तः सुखमन्वभूत् ॥ 21 ॥
He (the king) is fearless, protects himself, is healthy, worships religion, renounces greed, accepts the forest, is free from attachment and enjoys happiness॥21॥

ज्ञाने मौनं क्षमा शक्तौ त्यागे श्लाघाविपर्ययः ॥
गुणा गुणानुबन्धित्वात्तस्य सप्रसवा इव ॥ 22 ॥
In being silent in knowledge, in being able to forgive, in giving forgiveness, not wanting to be praised, in relation to the qualities, his qualities were from the brother (born together) ॥ 22 ॥

अनाकृष्टस्य विषयैर्विद्यानां पारदृश्वनः ॥
तस्य धर्मरतेरासीद्धत्वं जरसा विना ॥ 23 ॥
The subjects which did not pull him towards him, the one who looked beyond learning, the one who was interested in religion grew old without attaining old age॥ 23 ॥

प्रजानां विनयाधानाद्रक्षणाद्भरणादपि ॥
स पिता पितरस्तासा केवलं जन्महेतवः ॥ 24 ॥
He was the father of the subjects by teaching, protecting and nurturing the policy, their parents were only the reason for giving birth॥ 24 ॥

स्थित्यै दण्डयतो दंड्यान्परिणेतुः प्रसूतये ॥
अर्थकामौ तस्यास्ता धर्म एव मनीषिणः ॥ 25 ॥
The one who punishes those criminals in order to keep them in dignity and the intelligent one who marries for the sake of the children, the means and actions were also religion || 25 ॥

दुहोह गां स यज्ञाय सस्याय मघवा दिवम् ॥
संपद्विनिमयेनोभो दधतुर्भुवनद्वयम् ॥ 26 ॥
He milked the earth for the sake of Yagya and Indra milked the sky for the sake of grain (i.e. Indra used to rain water while performing Yagya)॥ 26 ॥

न किलानुययुस्तस्य राजानो रक्षितुर्यशः ॥
व्यावृत्ता यत्परस्वेभ्यः श्रुतौ तस्करता स्थिता ॥ 27 ॥
No other king could reach the fame of that protector, because the theft that came out of other’s money remained in the name or in the ear॥ 27 ॥

द्वेष्यपि संमतः शिष्टस्तस्यार्तस्य यथौषधम् ॥
त्याज्यो दुष्टः प्रियोप्यासीदंगुलीवोरगक्षता ॥ 28 ॥
Like a patient’s (bitter) medicine, even a gentleman’s enmity was dear to him, like a finger bitten by a snake, even a wicked lover was worth giving up॥ 28 ॥

तं वेधा विदधे नूनं महाभूतसमाधिना ॥
तथा हि सर्वे तस्यासन्परार्थैकफला गुणाः ॥ 29॥
As if the creator had created him from the tomb of five great elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Sky) that’s why all his qualities were only giving fruits of other’s meaning॥ 29 ॥

स वेलावप्रवलयां परिखीकृतसागराम् ॥
अनन्यशासनामुर्वी शशासैकपुरीमिव ॥ 30 ॥
He used to keep such an earth in the same dignity as a Puri, which is not ruled by another, with a walled sea shore॥ 30 ॥

तस्य दाक्षिण्यरूढेन नाम्ना मगधवंशजा ॥
पत्नी सुदक्षिणेत्यासीदध्वरस्येव दक्षिणा ॥ 31 ॥
His wife was Sudakshina, born in Magadhavansh, she was actually Sudakshina because of Dakshinya. She was also complementary like the Dakshina of Yajna॥ 31 ॥

कलत्रवन्तमात्मानमवरोधे महत्यपि ।
तया मेने मनस्विन्या लक्ष्म्या च वसुधाधिपः ॥ 32 ॥
His (Dilip) residence was very big, but he considered himself Kaltravan from that Manaswini Sudakshina as well as from Lakshmi because of being the king ॥ 32 ॥

तस्यामात्मानुरूपायामात्मजन्मसमुत्सुकः ।
विलम्बितफलैः कालं स निनाय मनोरथैः ॥ 33 ॥
Dilip wanted a son from his wife in the same way. A long period passed before his wish came true॥ 33 ॥

सन्तानार्थाय विधये स्वभुजादवतारिता ।
तेन धूर्जगतो गुर्व्वी सचिवेषु निचिक्षिपे ॥ 34 ॥
Now he started taking measures for the child. Tadartham removed the heavy burden of the earth from his arms and put it on the ministers for some time॥ 34 ॥

अथाभ्यर्च्य विधातारं प्रयतौ पुत्रकाम्यया ।
तौ दम्पती वसिष्ठस्य गुरोर्जग्मतुराश्रमम् ॥ 35 ॥
First he worshiped Brahma with his wife, observed a fast and with the desire of a son, both the couple went to Guru Vasishtha’s ashram॥ 35 ॥

स्निग्धगम्भीरनिर्घोषमेकं स्यन्दनमास्थितौ ।
प्रावृषेण्यं पयोवाहं विद्युदैरावताविव ॥ 36 ॥
They both were sitting on the same chariot. The noiseless smoothness of the chariot was as well as serious; they looked like Vidyut and Airavat mounted on the same cloud॥ 36 ॥

मा भूदाश्रमपीडेति परिमेयपुरस्सरौ ।
अनुभावविशेषात्तु सेनापरिगताविव ॥ 37॥
Few relatives were walking in front of him so that the ashram did not suffer, but he looked like he had turned away from the army, because of his special sharpness॥ 37॥

सेव्यमानौ सुखस्पर्शेः सालनिर्यासगन्धिभिः ।
पुष्परेणूत्किरैर्वातैराधूतवनराजिभिः ॥ 38 ॥
The gusts of wind were offering service to him, whose touch was pleasant, which were fragrant with the sap of the trees, in which Renu was flying from the flowers and due to which Vanaraji was trembling a bit॥ 38 ॥

मनोभिरामाः शृण्वन्तौ रथनेमिस्वनोन्मुखैः ।
षड्जसंवादिनी: केका द्विधा भिन्नाः शिखण्डिभिः ॥ 39॥
They kept listening to the two types of captivating and conversant calls of peacocks, guided by the whirring of the chariot’s wheel. (Two types = the sound of peacocks and the opposite from the sound of peahen)॥ 39॥

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परस्पराक्षि- सादृश्यम – दूरोज्झित – वर्त्मसु ।
मृगद्वन्द्वेषु पश्यन्तौ स्यन्दनाबद्धदृष्टिषु ॥ 40 ॥
He was standing near the road and gazing at the chariot, looking at the mirror image of each other in pairs of antelopes. (Mutual Mrig Mrigi, King-Queen, Mrig King, Mrigi Queen.)॥ 40 ॥

श्रेणीबन्धाद् वितन्वद्भिरस्तम्भां तोरणस्रजम् ।
सारसैः कलनिर्ह्रादैः क्वचिदुन्नमिताननौ ॥ 41 ॥
If they looked up somewhere, they would have seen that the rows of cranes, who were singing beautifully, had stretched the archway without any pillar॥ 41 ॥

पवनस्यानुकूलत्वात् प्रार्थनासिद्धिशंसिनः ।
रजोभिस्तुरगोत्कीर्णैरस्पृष्टालकवेष्टनौ ॥ 42 ॥
The wind was blowing from back to front. Information was being received from him about the fulfillment of his wish and the dust flying from the top of the horses was not able to touch his crown॥ 42 ॥

सरसीष्वरविन्दानां वीचिविक्षोभशीतलम् ।
आमोदमुपजिघ्रन्तौ स्वनि:श्वासानुकारिणम् ॥ 43 ॥
Where the ponds came, they would get to smell the fragrance of many types of Arvinds, which would be cooled by the touch of the waves and would follow their exhalation॥ 43 ॥

ग्रामेष्वात्मवि निसृष्टेषु यूपचिह्नेषु यज्वनाम् ।
अमोघाः प्रतिगृह्णन्तावर्ध्यानुपदमाशिषः ॥ 44 ॥
In the villages given to them by themselves, in which Yajnyup was seen standing, they were meeting Yajniks’ Arghya and (immeasurable) Shubhashish were being showered on them॥ 44 ॥

हैयङ्गवीनमादाय घोषवृद्धानुपस्थितान् ।
नामधेयानि पृच्छन्तौ वन्यानां मार्गशाखिनाम् ॥ 45 ॥
At night, taking the gift of Navneet of milk, he asked the village elders present about the names of the trees found on the way॥ 45 ॥

काप्यभिख्या तयोरासीद् व्रजतो: शुद्धवेषयोः ।
हिमनिर्मुक्तयोर्योगे चित्राचन्द्रमसोरिव ॥ 46 ॥
Dressed in white clothes, both of them looked like a pair of frost-free ‘Chitra Chandra’ while taking a unique picture॥ 46 ॥

तत् तद् भूमिपतिः पत्न्यै दर्शयन् प्रियदर्शनः ।
अपि लङ्घितमध्वानं बुबुधे न बुधोपमः ॥ 47 ॥
Like Priyadarshan and Mercury (planet), the king passed the way but did not understand, who was busy in showing those things of the way to his wife॥ 47 ॥

स दुष्प्रापयशाः प्रापदाश्रमं श्रान्तवाहनः ।
सायं संयमिनस्तस्य महर्षेर्महिषीसखः ॥ 48 ॥
King Dilip, whose chariot horses are tired and whose fame is difficult to obtain from any other man, reached the hermitage of that restrained Maharishi Vasistha in the evening with his queen Sudakshina॥ 48 ॥

वनान्तरादुपावृत्तैः समित्कुशफलाहरैः ।
पूर्यमाणमदृश्याग्निप्रत्युद्यातैस्तपस्विभि: ॥ 49 ॥
Returning from the Vanantaras (other forests), having collected samidhas, kushas and fruits, and being greeted by invisible fires, the king and queen arrived at the hermitage of sage Vashishtha gradually filling up with ascetics॥ 49 ॥

आकीर्णमृषिपत्नीनामुटजद्वाररोधिभिः ।
अपत्यैरिव नीवारभागधेयोचितैर्मृगैः ॥ 50 ॥
Practitioners of eating paddy called Nivar, standing by blocking the doors of the parnakutis and reaching the hermitage full of deer like the children of Rishi’s wives॥ 50 ॥

सेकान्ते मुनिकन्याभिस्तत्क्षणोज्झितवृक्षकम् ।
विश्वासाय विहंगानामालवालाम्बुपायिनाम् ॥ 51 ॥
Chakraborty emperor King Dilip reached the ashram where after irrigating the trees with water, the sage-girls (of the trees) used to go away immediately to instill confidence in the birds drinking the water irrigated in the hollows॥ 51 ॥

आतपात्ययसंक्षिप्तनीवारासु निषादिभिः ।
मृगैर्वर्तितरोमन्थमुटजाXनभूमिषु ॥ 52 ॥
The hermitage where the stags were doing Jagali (romanth) sitting in the courtyards of the parnashalas, in which the paddy called Nivar was kept united in the form of heaps due to the sun going away in the evening॥ 52 ॥

अभ्युत्थिताग्निपिशुनैरतिथीनाश्रमोन्मुखान् ।
पुनानं पवनोद्भूतैर्धूमैराहुतिगन्धिभि: ॥ 53 ॥
The hermitage that was sanctifying the guests coming towards the hermitage by the smoke that was blown here and there by the wind, giving the information of the burning fire॥ 53 ॥

अथ यन्तारमादिश्य धुर्यान्विश्रामयेति सः ।
तामवारोहयत्पत्नीं रथादवतार च ॥ 54 ॥
After reaching the hermitage, you got down before the chariot by ordering the king charioteer to ‘remove the tiredness of the horses’, then got down his wife Sudakshina॥ 54 ॥

तस्मै सभ्याः सभार्याय गोप्त्रे गुप्ततमेन्द्रियाः ।
अर्हणामर्हते चक्रुर्मुनयो नयचक्षुषे ॥ 55 ॥
The civilized Jitendriya sages welcomed the protector of the people, the one with the eyes of morality (Nitigya), and the king worthy of worship, with his blessings॥ 55 ॥

विधेः सायन्तनस्यान्ते स ददर्श तपोनिधिम् ।
अन्वासितमरुन्धत्या स्वाहयेव हविर्भुजम् ॥ 56 ॥
King Dilip saw the ascetic sage Vashishtha, served by his wife Arundhati, sitting like a real fire god, served by his wife Swaha Devi, after the evening rituals

तयोर्जगृहतुः पादान्राजा राज्ञी च मागधी ।
तौ गुरुर्गुरुपत्नी च प्रीत्या प्रतिननन्दतुः ॥ 57 ॥
Queen Sudakshina, the daughter of Magadharaj, and King Dilip both touched the feet of Guru Vasishtha and Guru’s wife Arundhati. Then both (Guru Vasistha and his wife Arundhati) lovingly blessed the king and queen॥ 57 ॥

तमातिथ्यक्रियाशान्तरथक्षोभपरिश्रमम् ।
पप्रच्छ कुशलं राज्ये राज्याश्रममुनिं मुनिः ॥ 58 ॥
Then the sage Vashishtha, treating the kingdom as an ashram, asked King Dilipa, who behaved like a sage in it, whose tiredness due to the hiccups of the chariot was removed from the hospitality, about the well-being of the kingdom॥ 58 ॥

अथाथर्वनिधेस्तस्य विजितारिपुरः पुरः ।
अर्थ्यामर्थपतिर्वाचमाददे वदतां वरः ॥ 59 ॥
King Dilipa, the best among the Vaas, the conqueror of the cities of the eternal enemies, the lord of wealth, spoke these meaningful words in the presence of Vashishtha, the knower of the knowledge of the Atharva Veda॥ 59 ॥

उपपन्नं ननु शिवं सप्तस्वषु यस्य मे ।
दैवीनां मानुषीणां च प्रतिहर्ता त्वमापदाम् ॥ 60 ॥
Translation: – My kingdom is completely efficient in all the seven parts because you are the remover of both my divine and human calamities॥ 60 ॥

तव मन्त्रकृतो मन्त्रैर्दूरात्प्रशमितारिभिः ।
प्रत्यादिश्यन्त इव मे दृष्टलक्ष्यभिदः शराः ॥ 61 ॥
Because of the mantras of you Guru Vashishtha, the creator or use of mantras, which destroy my enemies from a distance, my arrows that pierce the direct target are as if useless॥ 61 ॥

हविरावर्जितं होतस्त्वया विधिवदग्निषु ।
वृष्टिर्भवति सस्यानामवग्रहविशोषिणाम् ॥ 62 ॥
O my teacher who performs Havan! The oblation (ghee) duly put by you in the sacrificial fire becomes rain (rain) for the food that dries up due to avagraha (drought, lack of rain)॥ 62 ॥

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पुरुषायुषजीविन्यो निरातंका निरीतयः ।
यन्मदीयाः प्रजास्तस्य हेतुस्त्वद्ब्रह्मवर्चसम् ॥ 63 ॥
My subjects who live till the full age of human beings, remain fearless and remain safe from troubles like excessive rain, drought etc., the reason for all this is your Brahmatej॥ 63 ॥

त्वयैव चिन्त्यमानस्य गुरुणा ब्रह्मयोनिना ।
सानुबन्धाः कथं न स्युः संपदो मे निरापदः ॥ 64 ॥
Because of a Guru like you who took birth from Brahma taking care of me in this way (and because of this reason) my wealth which has been freed from calamities will always remain unbroken (continuing)॥ 64 ॥

किन्तु वध्वां तवैतस्यामदृष्टसदृशप्रजम् ।
न मामवति सद्वीपा रत्नसूरपि मेदिनी ॥ 65 ॥
However, even this (vast) earth which is full of islands and produces (all) gems does not satisfy me because of not getting a (worthy) son from this bride Sudakshina of yours॥ 65 ॥

नूनं मत्तः परं वंश्याः पिण्डविच्छेददर्शिनः ।
न प्रकामभुजः श्राद्धे स्वधासंग्रहतत्पराः ॥ 66 ॥
In the absence of a son after me, the forefathers (descendants) engaged in collecting svadha (food of ancestors) on the occasion of Shraddha, hoping for the disappearance of the body, certainly do not eat satisfied॥ 66 ॥

मत्परं दुर्लभं मत्वा नूनमावर्जितं मया ।
पयः पूर्वैः स्वनिःश्वासैः कवोष्णमुपभुज्यते ॥ 67 ॥
Considering it to be rare because of not having a son after me, nowadays (my) fathers drink the tarpan water done by me after heating it with their sorrowful sighs॥ 67 ॥

सोऽहमज्याविशुद्धात्मा प्रजालोपनिमीलितः ।
प्रकाशश्चाप्रकाशश्च लोकालोक इवाचल: ॥ 68 ॥
I am happy because of being freed from God’s debt by performing Yagya etc. or I am anxious because of being freed from father’s debt in the absence of a son. Therefore, my condition is like the mountain of Lokalok, on one side of which there is light and on the other side there is darkness॥ 68 ॥

लोकान्तरसुखं पुण्यं तपोदानसमुद्भवम् ।
सन्ततिः शुद्धवंश्या हि परत्रेह च शर्मणे ॥ 69 ॥
The virtue that arises from penance or charity gives happiness only in the hereafter. But a son born in a pure lineage brings happiness in this world as well as in the hereafter॥ 69 ॥

तया हीनं विधातः मां कथं पश्यन्न दूयसे ।
सिÑ स्वयमिव स्नेहाद्वन्ध्यमाश्रमवृक्षकम् ॥ 70 ॥
Oh Guru, the creator of rules, just as it is natural for you to be sad seeing the trees of the ashram that you have watered with water devoid of fruits, in the same way, why don’t you feel sad seeing your disciple me without a son?॥ 70 ॥

असह्यपीडं भगवन्नृणमन्त्यमवेहि मे ।
अरुन्तुदमिवालानमनिर्वाणस्य दन्तिनः ॥ 71 ॥
Oh God! Consider this last paternal debt of mine as painful as the peg which pierces the core of an unwashed elephant, causes unbearable pain॥ 71 ॥

तस्मान्मुच्ये यथा तात संविधातुं तथार्हसि ।
इक्ष्वाकूणां दुरापेऽर्थे त्वदधीना हि सिद्धयः ॥ 72 ॥
Hey Guru! Therefore, so that I can be free from ancestral debt, you should do such a solution because the achievements of the difficult tasks of Ikshvakuvanshi kings are under your control॥ 72 ॥

इति विज्ञापितो राज्ञा ध्यानस्तिमितलोचनः ।
क्षणमात्रमृषिस्तस्थौ सुप्तमीन इव हृदः ॥ 73 ॥
Thus requested by the king, Maharishi Vashishtha, closing his eyes in meditation for a moment, became motionless like a lake which becomes calm when the fishes fall asleep॥ 73 ॥

सोऽपश्यत्प्रणिधानेन सन्ततेः स्तम्भकारणम् ।
भावितात्मा भुवो भर्तुरथैनं प्रत्यबोधयत् ॥ 74 ॥
Maharishi Vashishtha, having a pure mind through samadhi, came to know the reason for the absence of children of Dilip, the lord of the earth, and then told him like this॥ 74 ॥

पुरा शक्रमुपस्थाय तवोर्वी प्रतियास्यतः ।
आसीत्कल्पतरुच्छायामाश्रिता सुरभिः पथि ॥ 75 ॥
Hey Rajan! Once in the past, when you were returning to earth after serving Indra, Kamdhenu was sitting on the way under the shade of Kalpavriksha॥ 75 ॥

धर्मलोपभयाद्राज्ञीमृतुस्नातामिमां स्मरन् ।
प्रदक्षिणीक्रियार्हायां तस्यां त्वं साधु नाचर ॥ 76 ॥
Fearing that religion may not be extinct, you did not give proper respect to Kamdhenu, who deserves to be honored by Pradakshina, while meditating only on this queen Sudakshina who had taken a seasonal bath॥ 76 ॥

अवजानासि मां यस्मादतस्ते न भविष्यति ।
मत्प्रसूतिमनाराध्य प्रजेति त्वां शशाप सा ॥ 77 ॥
Because you are disrespecting me, so without worshiping my children you will not have children, so he (Kamadhenu) cursed you॥ 77 ॥

स शापो न त्वया राजन्न च सारथिना श्रुतः ।
नदत्याकाशगङ्गाया स्रोतस्युद्दामदिग्गजे ॥ 78 ॥
O King, neither you nor your charioteer heard the curse given by Kamdhenu, because the water-flow of the Ganga, free from the giants, was making noise॥ 78 ॥

ईप्सितं तदवज्ञानाद्विद्धि सार्गलमात्मनः ।
प्रतिबध्नाति हि श्रेयः पूज्यपूजाव्यतिक्रमः ॥ 79 ॥
Therefore, by disrespecting her (Kaamdhenu) consider your desire to be hindered, because the violation of the worship of worshipable persons prevents welfare॥ 79 ॥

हविषे दीर्घसत्रस्य सा चेदानीं प्रचेतसः ।
भुजंगपिहितद्वारं पातालमधितिष्ठति ॥ 80 ॥
And that Kamadhenu is currently residing in the Hades with the gate blocked by snakes to fulfill the need of the future in Varuna’s yagya that lasts forever॥ 80 ॥

सुतां तदीयां सुरभेः कृत्वा प्रतिनिधि शुचिः ।
आराधय सपत्नीकः प्रीता कामदुधा हि सः॥ 81 ॥
At this time, considering her (Kaamdhenu’s) daughter (Nandini) as the representative of Kamadhenu, be pure and worship her along with your wife, because being pleased with service, she can fulfill your wishes॥ 81 ॥

इतिवादिन एवास्य होतुराहुतिसाधनम् ।
अनिन्द्या नन्दिनी नाम धेनुराववृते वनात् ॥ 82 ॥
Saying this to the sage Vashishtha, the praiseworthy cow named Nandini, the daughter of Kamdhenu, the means of sacrifice for the sacrifice of Havansheel, returned from the forest

ललाटोदयमाभुग्नं पल्लवस्निग्घपाटला ।
बिभ्रती श्वेतरोमा सन्ध्येव शशिनं नवम् ॥ 83॥
Just as Sandhya, who is soft and red in color like Naveen Kisalaya, wears the crooked new moon in the west, in the same way, Nandini, who is smooth and red like soft Kisalaya, returned wearing the mark of some crooked white hair on her head॥ 83॥

भुवं कोष्णेनेव कुण्डोध्नी मेध्येनावभृथादपि ।
प्रस्नवेनाभिवर्षन्ती वत्सालोकप्रवर्तिना ॥ 84 ॥
Nandini the cow returned from the forest with big breasts like a pool watering the earth with her own dripping milk after seeing the calf which was somewhat hot and purer than the water bath taken at the end of the yajna॥ 84 ॥

रजःकणैः खुरोद्धूतैः स्पृशद्भिर्गात्रमन्तिकात् ।
तीर्थाभिषेकजां शुद्धिमादधाना महीक्षितः ॥ 85 ॥
Nandini cow performing the purification that arises from bathing in the holy water of Dilip, the lord of the earth, from the dust particles touching the organs due to the close proximity of her hooves॥ 85 ॥

तां पुण्यदर्शनां दृष्ट्वा निमित्तज्ञस्तपोनिधिः ।
याज्यमाशंसितावन्ध्यप्रार्थनं पुनरब्रवीत् ॥ 86 ॥
Seeing that Nandini cow who had come to see the holy darshan, the scholar of Shakunashastra, once again spoke to the host Dilip, whose prayer was going to be successful॥ 86 ॥

अदूरवर्तिनीं सिद्धिं राजन् विगणयात्मनः ।
उपस्थितेयं कल्याणी नाम्नि कीर्तित एव यत् ॥ 87 ॥
Hey Rajan! Now know that the fulfillment of your desire is near because the auspicious idol Nandini cow has appeared in front of you॥ 87 ॥

वन्यवृत्तिरिमां शश्वदात्मानुगमनेन गाम् ।
विद्यामभ्यसनेनेव प्रसादयितुमर्हसि ॥ 88 ॥
Hey Rajan! Eating tubers, roots, fruits, etc., while behaving like sages, you can please this cow by constantly following it, as learning is pleased by practice॥ 88 ॥

प्रस्थितायां प्रतिष्ठेथाः स्थितायां स्थितिमाचरेः ।
निषण्णायां निषीदास्यां पीताम्भसि पिबेरप: ॥ 89 ॥
When it walks then you also walk, when it stands then stand and if sitting then sit. When he has drunk water, then you drink water

वधूर्भक्तिमती चैनामर्चितामातपोवनात् ।
प्रयातां प्रातरन्वेतु सायं प्रत्युद्व्रजेदपि ॥ 90 ॥
Bride, Sudakshina should also worship it with devotion and go to take it to the border of Tapovan every morning and welcome it to the ashram after reaching the border of Tapovan in the evening॥ 90 ॥

इत्याप्रसादादस्यास्त्वं परिचर्यापरो भव ।
अविघ्नमस्तु ते स्थेयाः पितेव धुरि पुत्रिणाम् ॥ 91 ॥
In this way serve him till he is happy. May your obstacles be destroyed. Like your father, you also stand at the forefront of the best sons॥ 91 ॥

तथेति प्रतिजग्राह प्रीतिमान्सपरिग्रहः ।
आदेश देशकालज्ञः शिष्यः शासितुरानतः ॥ 92 ॥
King Dilip, who understood the importance of country and time, accepted the order of his Guru Vashishtha in the same form with his wife Sudakshina very humbly॥ 92 ॥

अथ प्रदोषे दोषज्ञः संवेशाय विशांपतिम् ।
सूनुः सुनृतवाक्स्रष्टुर्विससर्जोर्जितश्रियम् ॥ 93 ॥
Then at night, truthful and sweet-spoken, the son of Brahma, the learned sage Vashishtha ordered King Dilip, the lord of the subjects, endowed with perfect Lakshmi, to sleep॥ 93 ॥

सत्यामति तपः सिद्धौ नियमपेक्षया मुनिः ।
कल्पवित्कल्पयामास वन्यामेवास्य संविधाम् ॥ 94 ॥
Although sage Vashishtha, who knew the experiments of fasting, had the power of penance, yet keeping in mind the fast of Nandini’s service for Dilip, he organized the material worthy of sages and sages living in the forest॥ 94 ॥

निर्दिष्टां कुलपतिना स पर्णशाला मध्यास्य प्रयतपरिग्रहद्वितीयः ।
तच्छिष्याध्ययननिवेदितावसानाम् संविष्टः कुशशयने निशां निनाय ॥ 95 ॥
King Dilipa, with his wife Sudakshina, who followed the rules, slept on the bed of Kusha, residing in the cottage indicated by the patriarch Vashishtha, and woke up at the end of the night, informed by the announcement of the Vedapath of Jana’s disciples. Thus he spent the night॥ 95 ॥


First Canto Story:

In the lineage of Vaivaswat Manu, there was a famous emperor named Maharaj Dilip. Princess Sudakshina of Magadha country became his queen. Unfortunately, Dilip did not have any children from Sudakshina. Dilip used to be very upset about this. One day, taking Sudakshina with him, he reached the hermitage of his Vice-Chancellor Maharishi Vashishtha in this regard. Then the sage meditated and found out the reason for the king not having children, once While returning from heaven to earth, the king did not show proper respect to the divine cow Surbhi (Kaamdhenu) standing in the way.

Enraged by this neglect, Surbhi cursed the king that he would not have children until he satisfied his daughter Nandini Gau with service. Fortunately Surbhi’s daughter Nandini Gau was present in the sage’s ashram at that time. So the sage ordered the king to serve Nandini along with his queen to please her and get her blessings for having a son. The king and the queen started living in the ashram of Maharishi Vashishtha with a sage attitude.


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